Saturday, October 30, 2010

Here or the pop-off valve?

This aggravated me, but after the fact was very entertaining so it is going here:

Each morning I review the performance data and paperwork from all 3 shifts in all 5 departments. If I find deficiencies or discrepancies I pass it on to the supervisor to review with the employee who made the mistake.

Thursday the first shift inspector in Dept 54 had not filled in his reports after 2:50 p.m. 2nd shift pointed this out so I had filled in the missing information myself after 4:00. Since the supervisor has 3 weeks experience as a supervisor he asked me to review the problem and let him watch. The conversation went like this:

me: Rico- the inspection report was not filled for the last hour of your shift yesterday. What happened?

Rico: That's not my handwriting

me: I know, it's my handwriting

Rico: then why you fussing at me?

me: I'm not fussing. I filled in the information so 2nd shift could total out the lot.

Rico: Then if it's wrong you did it.

me:It's not wrong

Rico: Then why you fussing

Me:(voice rising now) You should have filled it in but you didn't. Why not?

Rico: Mr. Terry you need to calm down. If you filled it out you don't need to be getting upset with me.

(the supervisor is giggling at this point then says) Rico- you have to fill out the inspection report for the whole shift.

Rico: I didn't fill it out, he did.

me: O.k. I'm sorry I'll do better

Rico: just calm down it'll be o.k.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is Happy making stuff for me